Depression Cure In Islam

 Discouraged? Worried? Feeling Miserable? Troubled? Issues?


I have an Extremely Exceptional Gift for YOU from an Extremely Extraordinary Treasure...

The Prophet, harmony, and his gifts arrived because he was Rahmat al-'Alamin (Benevolence to the universes), shared with his Sahaba:

"I will give you a treasure of the treasures of the Garden, say, 'La hawla wala Quwwata illa bil lahi Al 'Aliyyil Atheem (There is no might or power EXCEPT with ALLAH, The Highest, The Supreme [in Glory]).'"

Sayyiduna Muhammad, may Allah favor him and award him harmony, said that dhikr of and grant him peace said that dhikr of 'La hawla wala Quwwata illa bil lahi Al 'Aliyyil Atheem (There is no might or power EXCEPT with ALLAH, The Highest, The Supreme [in Glory])' 

Destiny isn't in your grasp so when you certify that you are feeble and that ALL matters are in ALLAH's grasp, the matter re-visitations of Allah, the Best disposer of undertakings!

While you're feeling miserable, discouraged, pushed, or even despondent, rehash 'La hawla wala Quwwata illa bil lahi Al 'Aliyyil Atheem (There is no might or power EXCEPT with ALLAH, The Highest, The Supreme [in Glory])'  over and over for instant relief.  

Sobhan ALLAH, you can see, just right in front of you, the pressure and bitterness being mitigated, by the individual discussing it.

A sign that it's working is, the individual will take a full breath (murmur of help). It was at that exact second that ALLAH will take the load off their shoulders.

Might you at any point change what is happening that is causing you the entirety of this pressure? No? Why stress over it? Why not go to Allah and Say "Gracious Allah, I have no ability to change this, Goodness Allah You have full ability to change this, Goodness Allah, then You change this for me since You are the Highest, The All-powerful." (This is the genuine significance of La hawla wala quwwata illa bil lahil Ali al atheem)

Try not to deny anybody this help. Forward this message to every one of your contacts. You know not which of your companions is harming generally inside and you currently hold the remedy for them so send it to them.

It's in a real sense your wonder from ALLAH that you can insight for yourself.

If by some stroke of good luck, specialists would recommend what recuperates individuals. Why pop a pill for wretchedness which possibly covers the issue and prompts different issues when ALLAH has given us a Moment fix and it's 100 percent Free? 

'La hawla wala Quwwata illa bil lahi Al 'Aliyyil Atheem (There is no might or power EXCEPT with ALLAH, The Highest, The Supreme [in Glory])'

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